Stopper Agents is available on Google Play

  The Stopper Agents videogame, developed by Dealgo Dev. Studio during last AMUDEV's MJAM20 Gamejam, is already available for free on Google Play.

Stopper Agents
Protect that nuclear butoon!!

 What would happen if certain orange-skin and blond heared president got mad because of the latest elections results and wanted to press the nuclear button as a revenge. A crowd of special agents will try to stop all his reaching the button attempts, supported by the players' skills.

 The selected topic for the MJAM20 gamejam of Amudev was "One button". About twelve development teams from Murcia (Spain) took part in the competition and developed some prototypes of games during a weekend. From all of them, Tu botón from Babel Games and Stopper Agents from Dealgo Dev. Studio won the game development event.

 After that, the Stopper Agents development continued, adding some new playable features that couldn't be implemented on time. Moreover, the game was adapted for Android mobile phones and it was published today on Google Play store. The download and play is free.

Find out Stopper Agents on Google Play

 Some new features are in their way of coming, as new enemies, new agents and another game modes. Nevertheless, the original spirit of direct playability in which the Stopper Agents game was created will be kept.

 The Murcia Gamejam (MJAM) event takes place every year, and it's organized by AMUDEV, in collaboration with the CEEIM (Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación de Murcia) and the INFO (Instituto de Fomento of Región de Murcia). The participant teams have only the time in a weekend to create a videogame from scratch, based in a proposed topic.

 Dealgo Dev. Studio is a solo developer team from Murcia, that takes part of some gamejam events and currently also developing the Mythical Spirits videogame: a retro fashioned adventure.


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